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Name: CASE, Horace Akroyd CMG CBE (Lieut.)
Birth Date: 23.4.1879 Henley-on-Thames
Death Date: 29 Apr 1968 North Berwick
First Date: 1906
Profession: KAR
Married: In London 1911 Enid Edington Green b. 25 Mar 1890 S. Africa, d.1940 Africa
Children: Anthony Ufton (29 Apr 1914 London-1994); Hermione Lesley (20 Sep 1912-2011)
Book Reference: Drumkey, EAHB 1907, North, Who's Who
War Service: The Dorsetshire Regt.
School: Cambridge Univ.
General Information:
EAHB 1907 - Subaltern, 1st KAR; entered the Army from Cambridge University 1900; served with the Dorsetshire Regiment in South Africa 1900-1902 and in England 1902-06 and with 1st KAR in BEA 1906
Drumkey 1909 - Subaltern, K.A. Rifles, 1906; Lieut. Dorsetshire Regiment 1900
Commanded Southern Brigade, East Africa 1929-33. Re-employed 1939-45
Cambridge Univ. Alumni pens. at QUEENS', Michs. 1898. S. of James, of Ufton, near Reading. B. Apr. 23, 1879, at Twyford, Berks. School, Derby. Matric. Michs. 1898. Entered the Army; served in the South African War, 1899-1902; in Somaliland, 1908-10. In the Great War (Lieut.-Col., Dorset Regt.; wounded; three times mentioned in despatches; Brevet Lieut.-Col.). Local Col. commanding Southern Brigade, King's African Rifles, 1929-33. D.S.O., 1917. C.M.G., 1919. C.B.E., 1927. Married and had issue. (Kelly, Handbook, 1939; Univ. War List.)