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Name: MAYNE, Vincent Ferrer
Birth Date: 5 Apr 1882 Dublin
First Date: 1909
Profession: Asst surveyor; civil engineer
Married: In Sligo 1914 Mina M.E.H. O'Reilly d. 13 Sep 1956 Dublin
Children: Carmel (1918)
Book Reference: Drumkey, Red 22, North
School: BA, BE (TCD)
General Information:
Red 22 - V.F. Mayne, Box 107, Kampala
Drumkey 1909 - Asst. Surveyor, UP
Went to live in USA. In 1930 US census his wife is not with him
Freemasons' Register 8 July 1910 Dublin.
His wife travelled to Mombasa with their daughter in 1924