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Name: WEATHERHEAD, Henry Walter (Rev.)
Nee: brother of Herbert Thomas Candy Weatherhead
Birth Date: Oct 1870 East Preston, Sussex
Death Date: 23.10.1948 Storrington
First Date: 1896
Profession: Went first to Uganda and worked continuously as a missionary with the Church Missionary Society until he retired in 1912. He was particularly interested in education and in 1906 founded the School on Budo Hill which was forerunner of Uganda secondary ed.
Area: Mengo, Uganda
Married: In Highbury 6.6.1901 Emily Aileen Simpson b. 1877 Poona, d. June 1964 Worthing
Children: Enid (1902 Kampala); Margaret (1904 Kampala), Christopher Salisbury (2.11.1909 Namirembe-21 Apr 1986 Betchworth, Surrey)
Book Reference: Gillett, Tucker, EAHB 1905, North, Drumkey, BEA, EAHB 1906, CMS, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907
School: Trinity Coll. Cambridge
General Information:
Returning to England in 1913, he continued his work in the mission field, inspiring men and women to take Christianity and education to the far corners of the earth.
Tucker - CMS Missionary bound for Uganda - arrived Oct. 1896 - to Busoga ....... in charge at Luba's in 1898 ........... blackwater fever in 1900 and invalided home in Dec. ........ Early in 1903 we planned a school for 'Intermediate education'. A.G. Fraser, who was the prime mover in the scheme, was obliged on account of his wife's health to return home. It was taken up, however, by H.W. Weatherhead, who worked at it with unbounded enthusiasm. A site was secured about 8 miles from Mengo, on the hill of Budo - "King's School"
North - aged 26 dep for EA 3/9/1896, arr. Mombasa 1/10/1896; dep. Mombasa for Uganda 28/11/1896, arr. Kampala 19/2/1897; based at Luba's, Busoga; Bukaleba; dep. Mombasa 19/11/1900, ill; dep. Genoa for Mombasa with wife 10/10/1901; Bugala; Mengo Jan 1904
Drumkey 1909 - CMS Uganda - Budo
CMS 1896 - Age 26. Of Bungay. Trin. Coll. Camb.; BA (2nd Cl. Theolog. Tripos) 1892. 1892 Nov 15 Accepted as Missionary CMS; CM Coll 1893 Dec 24 Deacon by Bp. Marlborough and 1894 Dec 23 Priest by Bp. Lond. 1893-6 Curate of St. George's Tufnell Park. 1896 Livingstone Coll.; Sept 3 Depart for Uganda Mission - Busoga - Luba's; Bukaleba. 1900 Nov 19 to England; 1901 Oct 10 to Bugala; 1904 Jan. Mengo. Son of Trenham King Weatherhead, CMS Missionary to India; brother of Herbert Thomas Candy Weatherhead, also a CMS Missionary to Uganda.
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