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Name: WEBB, Bertram Fitzgerald MC 'Bertie' (Major)
Nee: bro of 'Chappie', Selby Rogers, Egbert Allum, and Kenneth McDonald Webb
Birth Date: 19 May 1878 Queenstown, Eastern Cape, S. Africa
Death Date: 14 May 1950 Sotik
First Date: 1908
Profession: Farmer, gold miner
Area: Sotik, Songhor, Molo, Lolgorien, 1930 Tinderet Estate, Sotik Litein, Hut - partner with Paddy MacIlwain Molo
Book Reference: Gillett, Nellie, Over my Shoulder, Gethin, Markham, Joelson, Empire, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Playne, Drumkey, Red 22, Land, Gazette, Racing, Leader14, Rift Valley, Red Book 1912, LG
War Service: WW1 with EAMR - E Sqdn. 8/8/14 - Lieut. 10/8/14; Capt. 9/11/14; wounded 3/11/14; To KAR
General Information:
One of the best loved and most respected farmers in the Sotik, Songhor and Molo districts, his great interest was coffee growing and through very hard work he developed an excellent plantation. Also much involved in gold mining at Lolgorien and was partnered in all his ventures by Paddy McIlwain.
Nellie - (1934) - 'A successful gold-miner who wishes to remain anonymous (I wonder what his chances are - it is B.F. Webb) has given £500 to help meet fees [hospital] people can't pay. The Govt. pays for completely indigent ones, but most people can't quite rank as that.'
Over my Shoulder - B.F. Webb had fought in the German EA Campaign and had been in charge of the mule trains that were the main supply lines from Kenya to the war sector in Tanganyika. The loot that returned from the battle front as 'condemned horse fodder' was featured all over the house [at Garryowen, Molo later owned by Tony and Molly Ryan]. All the doors were of magnificent German oak, heavy and solid. Many of the windows were salvaged from the wreck of the German warship 'Konigsberg'. There were 3 round scuttles, one of which we afterwards presented to the National Museum and, as well, there were heavy plate glass windows that had obviously withstood the mighty seas and cyclonic storms that ravaged and slashed them during many an ocean patrol.
Gethin - 'On getting back to Nairobi from the Masai move [in 1913] I met B.F. Webb who I knew well at Molo when I first came out to the country. He now offered me a job to run a new farm he had just taken up at Songhor, while he went to England on 6 months' leave. Webb had never been out of Africa and was anxious to see Europe ....... off went Webb for Nairobi and Mombasa. A week later B.F. was back again on the farm. It seems when he went to his bank in Nairobi they informed him that as his overdraft was around £36,000 they could not hear of him leaving the country, until he had considerably reduced this amount which he was quite unable to do. Webb at that time had a number of farms in different parts of the colony, but no hard cash which the bank now required as trade was slumping in the country, farms being worth about two a penny. ....….'
Gethin diary 1911 - Molo - 'The two Webbs arrive coming off safari, bringing 2 elephant tusks with them. Stay here the night.'
Joelson - pioneer settler at Molo
Empire - Major Webb and Captain Tryon, who train a large string of racers at Molo on the Mau Escarpment. Captain Tryon doing most of the riding.
KAD 1922 - Steward, Jockey Club of Kenya
PLayne - Carps (M'Baywa) - Mr B. Webb is one of the many settlers in BEA who have had previous experience of farming in Cape Colony. He came up from the south by way of the Transvaal last year (1908) ...... His idea is to go in for sheep and agricultural farming, but at present things are at the experimental stage. ........ Carps, M'Baywa is 15 miles from Molo Station, and runs to 15000 acres. It is well watered and timbered, and Mr Webb is sanguine of success.
Red 22 - Steward, The Jockey Club of Kenya
EAMR - Steward at Military Sports - Christmas 1915
Land 1909 - B.F. Webb - Grazing and agricultural, 5000 acres - Mau Escarpment - 29/5/06 - Leasehold for 99 years from 5/6/08 - Registered 26/8/09
Land - 1912 - B.F. Webb - Grazing and agricultural, 2790 acres - Londiani - 18/4/10 - Under Occupation Licence for 2 to 99 years from 1/9/11 - Registered 2/1/12
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Kisumu - R.F. Webb [sic], Farmer, Muhoroni
Gazette - 23/9/1914 - Appt. - To be Lieutenant, East Africa Mounted Rifles - B.F. Webb
Gazette - 11/8/1915 - Appt. - EAMR - To be Captain - Lieut. Bertram Fitzgerald Webb
Racing - Owner of 'Spotlight' - 1929
Racing - Owner of 'Glitter' by 'Resco' - 'Veritas' - 1929
Racing - Owner of 'Sunrat' - 1929
Racing - Owner of 'Foxhill' - 1929 - Winner of Kenya Grand National in 1928
Racing - Owner of 'Suncourt' - 1929
Racing - Owner of 'Gay Lad' - Winner of the Hunter's Cup in 1927
Racing - Owner of 'Cambrian' - Winner of the Kenya Derby 1925, ridden by Mr C. Bumpus; Winner of the Governors Conference Cup in 1927
Rift Valley - Member of the Rift Valley Sports Club - Jan 1929 - Elected - 10 May 1914 - Maj. B.F. Webb
Red Book 1912 - B.F. Webb - Voi
Web - Imperial Light Horse - Anglo Boer War - Lord Kitchener’s despatches: - 8th August 1901: Lieutenant B F Webb, recommended for VC, on July 17th, at Bultfontein, charged Boer position with only twelve men and took it, shooting two Boers himself with his pistol.
London Gazette - Military Cross - T/Capt. Bertram Fitzgerald Webb, Gen List and KAR - For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Though severely wounded, he remained in the firing line and led the attack against a strong enemy position.
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Lake Area - Bertram Fitzgerald Webb - Farmer - Songhor
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - B.F. Webb - Farmer - Molo