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Name: WEIGEL, Martin (Brother)

Nee: 'Brother Simon'

Birth Date: 22.11.1884 Grenzingen, Alsace

Death Date: 8.7.1967 Langonnet

First Date: 1902

Profession: Joined the Roman Catholic Mission at Kabete, better known as the French Mission, devoted his whole life to work amongst Africans and travelled extensively

Area: Kabete

Book Reference: Gillett, North (2nd edn.)

General Information:

North - Carpenter; dep. France for EA 8/9/1902
Henry J. Koren, Spiritan East African Memorial, 1994: He entered the Congregation at Chevilly in 1900 and made his vows there on
September 8, 1902. On October 10, 1903 he sailed for the North Zanguebar vicariate. A trained carpenter among other things, he served at the Matombo station till 1913. He was then transferred to Ugoba. World War One caused his mobilization by the German army in Tanganyika and his subsequent capture by the British forces. lnternment in the Ahmednagor prisoners-of-war camp followed. ln 1917 he was released on the intervention of the French consul. Somehow he managed to retum to Tanganyika. ln 1923 we find him at Mgeta and three years later in Matombo, where he put the finishing touches on the new church by making its beautiful altar, its monumental communion rail and other church furniture. Just before World War Two he was stationed at Vidunda. After that war he went on leave, which he spent teaching at St. llan's agricultural school. Retuming to Africa, he went to the Zanzibar vicariate, where he rendered service at St. Austin's church in Nairobi. Having lived more than half a century in Africa, he spent his retirement years in Langonnet, where he could celebrate the diamond jubilee of his profession as a missionary Brother.

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