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Name: WESTGATE, Thomas Buchanan Reginald (Dr.)
Birth Date: 22.9.1872 Warwick, Ontario, Canada
Death Date: 12.8.1951 Winnipeg
Nationality: Canadian
First Date: 1902 from S. American Mission
Profession: Church Missionary Society missionary
Area: Ugogo, GEA. Retired to Canada
Married: In Mombasa 13 Oct 1903 Henrietta Georgina Humphrey Malone b. 4 Jan 1867 Rathmines, Dublin, d. 14 Apr 1936 Winnipeg
Children: Reginald Isaac Wilfred (14.9.1904 Mpwapwa-27 July 1988 Chatham, Massachusetts); Henrietta Winifred Maureen (25.10.1905 Kiboriani-26 Jan 1982 Bristol, Glos.); Dorothy Esther Humphrey (Leach) (10.6.1910 Redhill-2005 Merrickville, Ontario)
Book Reference: Gillett, North, CMS, Foster
War Service: Interned along with other British subjects, suffered for over 2 years
General Information:
Worked as a missionary, mostly in Ugogo country, GEA. A man of sterling character, impressive presence, and good humour, he was a fine linguist, and exercised exceptional influence on the tribe whose customs he closely studied.
During WW1 he was charged with being a spy and with having employed African adherents of the Mission to get through German Lines and contact the British Forces. Eventually released but health so undermined that he could not remain in Africa.
North - CMS GEA - Schoolteacher, formerly with mission in South America; aged 29 dep. for EA 11/3/1902; Mpwapwa GEA
CMS - 1902 - Age 29. Canadian CMS. Born in Ontario. School Teacher. 1896 Deacon and 1897 Dec 21 Priest by Bp. Huron. 1896-7 Incumbent of Comber, Ont. 1898-1901 to Paraguayan Chaco under South American Missionary Society. 1902 Apr 1 Accepted by Canadian CMS recorded; Mar 11 Depart for E. Africa Mission - Mpapua. Married 1903 Oct 13 H.G.H. Malone
Foster - He was born in Ireland at Charlemond Moy Co. Armagh; arrived Kenya 1902; Married on 13 October 1903 to Henrita [sic] Georgina Humprey [sic] Malone a trained nurse and CMS worker; 1917 joined Kikuyu Mission Volunteers in the Carrier Corps as a Non-commissioned Officer while based at Kahuhia Mission Station.
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