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Name: BORCHERT, Oskar
Nationality: German
First Date: 1889
Profession: Associate of Dr. Carl Peters during expedition to Uganda 1889
Book Reference: North
General Information:
At Nago awaiting extra supplies 14-10-1889; arr. Lamu from Koro-Koro, ill Jan 1890; at Zanzibar collecting large caravan for expedition to Lake Victoria 28-1-1892
Times 26 April 1892— Berlin.—Herr Oscar Borchert, who is at present on the march to the Victoria Nyanza, has been commissioned by the Emperor to give presents to the King of Uganda in return for the elephant tusks which the latter sent to His Majesty. As, however, Captain Lugard has found it necessary to depose King Mwanga, it is doubtful if Herr Borchert will be able to fulfil his mission"