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Name: ATKINSON, James Gardiner
Birth Date: bapt 1 Feb1874 Liverpool
Death Date: 17 July 1921 Nairobi, tuberculosis, cirrhosis of liver
First Date: 1917
Last Date: 1921
Profession: Draughtsman, electrician
Area: Nairobi
Book Reference: Barnes, Gazette, Red 19
General Information:
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - James Atkinson, British, buried 19/7/21
Gazette 3/8/1921 - Probate and Administration in respect of estate of J.G. Atkinson who died at Nairobi on 17/7/1921
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi, North Area - James Gardiner Atkinson - Draughtsman, back Ngara Road
Red Book 1919 - J J Atkinson - Electric Light Co. - Nairobi
UK Foreign and Overseas Registers for death of James Atkinson, electrician, in Nairobi 17 July 1921 (the same person?)
Probably the same person because James Gardner [sic] Atkinson joined Freemason Lodge Harmony in Nairobi on 2 July 1917