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Name: WILSON, David James
Birth Date: 16 Oct 1858 Karachi, India
Death Date: 5 Apr 1913 Mombasa, diabetes, buried at Mbaraki
First Date: 1890
Last Date: 1913
Profession: Seconded by the Indian Govt. to the IBEA Co. as Telegraph Superintendent, Zanzibar from 1894-95 he was appointed Collector EAP in 1895, served in Mombasa 1896 and Malindi 1897. Chief Super. Transport & Reg. of Porters 1898
Area: HBEA 1912 Mombasa
Married: Maude J. b. 1858
Children: Irene Sarah (b. India, listed as owner of plantation at Ganda 3 miles from Malindi March 1898)
Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, Fitzgerald, Matson, EAHB 1905, EAS, North, Playne, EA Diary 1903, Drumkey, IBEA, EAHB 1906, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, Barnes, Red Book 1912, Gazette
General Information:
Director of Uganda Transport and in charge of Depot Stores KAR(Uganda) in 1899 he was also Director of Transport EAP and Coast Agent. Fitzgerald mentions a Mr Wilson as at Melindi in 1891 - this could have been George Wilson or Norman Wilson or D.J. Wilson ........…..
Fitzgerald - Meteorological observations at Shimoni in 1895 - D. Wilson
EAHB 1905 - Director of Transport, Mombasa in 1905.
EAHB 1905 - Director of Transport, Mombasa in 1905.
IBEA Co. General Africa Staff - appointed 1890. Seconded by Indian Govt. to IBEA Co.; Superintendent of Telegraphs 1889; Zanzibar 1894-95; Collector, Vanga, EAP, July 1st 1895; Mombasa 1896; Malindi 1897; Chief Superintendent of Transport and Registrar of Porters 1898; Director of Uganda Transport and in charge of Depot Stores, KAR (Uganda) 1899; Director of Transport, EAP, Coast Agent, Uganda Protectorate; Medal, Mazrui rebellion 1895-96, Visiting Justice, Mombasa Jail.
The African Standard - 26-2-1903 - Invited to the wedding of H.R. Phelips & Miss Jacquette Edith Lambe in Mombasa (Mr, Mrs & Miss D.J. Wilson)
North - IBEA Co. - Takaungu Aug 1890; at work on Malindi to Lamu telegraph line Jan 1891; Telegraph Superintendent, Zanzibar 1894-1895; Editor of Zanzibar Gazette from March 1894 to July 1895; Appt. to EAP 1/7/1895, DO Ndi; Appt. Temp Administrator Wasin, with wife; Mombasa May 1896; Malindi 1897; at funeral of Capt. F.S. Dugmore Nov 1898, Mombasa; Superintendent of Government Transport EAP June 1899; Appt. Temp. Director of Transport UP 1/12/1899; based at Mombasa Dec 1901; Coast Agent for UP at Mombasa, March 1903; 'A quiet reliable man' (Sir Francis de Winton, ASS Papers, RH); 'He is fat, slow and (I gathered) an Eurasian' (Arthur Hardinge, FO 2)
Playne - Appointed Collector at Vanga in 1895 (July), Mr Wilson became Director of Transport of the EAP in 1899 (April 1st). It is 20 years since he was seconded by the Indian Govt. to the IBEA Co. as Superintendent of Telegraphs. Mr Wilson was Acting Currency Commissioner and Principal Immigration Officer in 1906. He has the medal for the Mazrui Rebellion 1895-96. Drumkey - Visiting Justice of HM Principal Prison at Mombasa
Drumkey 1909 - Transport Department - Director of Transport
IBEA Co. - Nominal List of British Born Subjects resident in IBEA Territories within the Sultan's Domain, 30 April 1891 - D.J. Wilson, India, Chief Telegraph Dept.
EAS - 15/1/1903 - Mr D.J. Wilson, of Transport Dept. left for up-country by Saturday train
IBEA - General Africa Staff - Appointed 30th January 1890
EAHB 1906 - Director of Government Transport - D.J. Wilson
EA Diary 1903 - Seconded by Indian Government to Imperial British East Africa Co., Zanzibar 1894-95; Collector, Vanga EA Protectorate July 1 1895; Mombasa 1896; Malindi 1897; Director, Uganda Transport Dec 1 1899
EAHB 1907 - Acting Currency Commissioner July 9 1906; Principal Immigration Officer Oct 1 1906
Mombasa Mbaraki cemetery - David James Wilson, Transport, died 6 Apr 1913, age 60, 3 Makupa, Diabetes
Red Book 1912 - D.J. Wilson - Mombasa
Gazette 15/4/1906 - Enrolled in the Mombasa section of the Volunteer Reserve
Gazette 15/4/1913 - Obituary - His Excellency the Governor announces with regret the death of Mr D.J. Wilson, late Director of Government Transport, Principal Immigration Officer, and Coast Agent for the Uganda Protectorate which took place at Mombasa on Sunday 6th inst. Mr Wilson first came to East Africa in 1889 as Superintendent of Telegraphs in the IBEA Co's Service. When the Protectorate was formed in 1895 he joined the administration and subsequently held the offices enumerated above eventually retiring in 1911. His work brought him into contact with practically all the members of the services of both Protectorates and his unfailing kindness and courtesy, particularly to newcomers, endeared him to all those with whom he had to deal. He will be sincerely mourned by a wide circle of friends and there are few who have served in East Africa to whom the news of his death will not bring a sense of personal loss.
UK Foreign and Overseas Registers for death - haematosis, centiosis of liver, and diabetes