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Name: MAITLAND, Thomas Douglas
Birth Date: 8.5.1885 Perth, Scotland
Death Date: 1976 Basildon, Reading
First Date: 1922
Profession: Agric. Dept. botanist
Area: Uganda, Mombasa
Married: Wilhemina Sarah 'Minnie' Dundas b. 18 Apr 1885 Murrayfield, Midlothian, d. 12 Apr 1947 Crowthorne, Berks.
Children: Douglas Dundas (24 Aug 1914 Uganda-13 Oct 1971 Brent Knoll, Somerset); Alistair George (30 Jan 1916 Kampala-21 Dec 2011 Heath, Franklin, Massachusetts); Ian Cowie (29 Mar 1918 Entebbe-9 May 2007); Donald James Dundas (16 Aug 1922 Edinburgh-22 Aug 2010 Bradford on Avon)
Book Reference: Red 22
General Information:
His papers, including biographical writings, are in Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Wikipedia: Thomas Douglas Maitland (1885-1978) est un botaniste britannique, spécialiste de la flore africaine, collecteur de plantes et responsable de jardins botaniques au Nigeria, en Ouganda et au Cameroun.
Biographie: D'abord jardinier aux Jardins botaniques royaux de Kew au Royaume-Uni, il dirigea plusieurs jardins botaniques en Afrique, à Calabar au Nigeria, à Entebbe en Ouganda, puis celui de Victoria (aujourd'hui Limbé) au Cameroun, entre 1927 et 1932. Entre janvier et juin 1931 il explora le mont Oku et la crête de Ijim (Ijim Ridge), notamment autour de Belo, Laikom, Mbesa et Nchain, et fut le premier à y collecter des spécimens de plantes endémiques telles que Kniphofia reflexa, Habenaria maitlandii, Plectranthus punctatus subsp. lanatus ou Newtonia camerunensis.
He married Marié à Wilhelmina Sarah Dundas, également Écossaise, il est le père de deux diplomates, Alastair Maitland, né à Kampala en 1916, et Donald Maitland (en), né à Edimbourg en 1922
Les épithètes spécifiques de nombreuses espèces lui rendent hommage, telles que : Acacia maitlandii, Eremophila maitlandii, Digitaria maitlandii, Ganoderma maitlandii, Habenaria maitlandii, Isolona maitlandii, Mikaniopsis maitlandii.
Translation: Thomas Douglas Maitland (1885-1978) is a British botanist, specialist in African flora, collector of plants and responsible for botanical gardens in Nigeria, Uganda and Cameroon. Biography: After working in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,he was director of many botanical gardens in Africa, from Calabar in Nigeria, at Entebbe In Uganda, then Victoria (now Limbé) in Cameroun, between 1927 and 1932. Between January and June 1931 he explored Mount Oku and the Ijim ridge (Ijim Ridge), notably around Belo, Laikom, Mbesa and Nchain, and was the premier in collecting specimens of endemic plants such as Kniphofia reflexa, Habenaria maitlandii, Plectranthus punctatus subsp. lanatus old Newtonia camerunensis.
He married Marie Wilhelmina Sarah Dundas, also Scottish and is the father of two diplomats, Alastair Maitland, born at Kampala in 1916, and Donald Maitland , born in Edinburgh en 1922. Many species are named after him, such as Acacia maitlandii, Eremophila maitlandii, Digitaria maitlandii, Ganoderma maitlandii, Habenaria maitlandii, Isolona maitlandii, Mikaniopsis maitlandii.