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Name: TWEEDIE, Ethelwyn Marjorie, Mrs
Nee: Chanter
Birth Date: 11 Feb 1898 Barnstaple
Death Date: 16 Dec 1982 Burwash, Etchingham, East Sussex
First Date: 1925
Area: Trans Nzoia
Married: In Braunton 12 June 1920 Douglas Royle Tweedie (1888-1970)
Children: Paul Peregrine (20 Dec 1921 Suez-15 Jan 1946 Kenya); Stephanie Clara (1924)
Author: Trans Nzoia Scrap Book -'Flower-Collecting in the Trans Nzoia'
Book Reference: Trans Nzoia Scrap Book
General Information:
Trans Nzoia Scrap Book - Marjorie and Roy Tweedie came to settle in the Trans Nzoia in 1924 and farmed on the South East slopes of Mount Elgon. She is an artist as well as an amateur botanist and designed the EAWL National Embroidery Panel for the Trans Nzoia. She is the author of two articles published in the EA Natural History Society Journal: 1. A Key and Check List of Kenya Orchids (with G.C. Copley and E.W. Carroll, Jan 1964) and 2. Periodic Flowering of some Acanthaceae on Mt. Elgon, June 1965, and has done the illustrations for the forthcoming Flora of Upland Kenya. She has an orchid and a balsam (Habenaria Tweedieae and Impatiens Tweedieae) both named after her by Kew and Aloe Tweedieae was so named by Mr Christian of Salisbury, Rhodesia. In 1948 they went to live in the Horth East side of the mountain and here she discovered the pre-historic painting in the Kaboy cave near the Mbere river……..
The Tweedies now live in Kitale and Marjorie continues with her painting and flower collection. Roy's chief interest is Freemasonry and in 1966 he became District Grand Master of East Africa.
Western Times 7 June 1920 At the time of his marriage Douglas was in the Bimbashi Egyptian Coastguards Administration.