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Name: WOODRUFF, George

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Birth Date: 1880

Death Date: 8.8.1928 Nairobi

First Date: 1904 (1901, acc. to daughter Mrs Bowles)

Last Date: 1928

Profession: Government Surveyor in Uganda and later in Nairobi. Went insane

Area: Uganda, Nairobi

Married: In York 1909 Rachel Davidson b. 1880 York, d. 12 July 1958 Nairobi

Children: Ronald George (8 Sep 1911 Nairobi-2000 Surrey); Kathleen Cameron Forbes (Bowles) (12 Sep 1917 Nairobi-22 Dec 2001 Kyrenia, Cyprus)

Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, EAHB 1905, KAD, Hut, Drumkey, Red 22, Gazette, Barnes, North, SKP, Leader14, Colonial, Red Book 1912, Red 19

General Information:

Walked from Voi up to Uganda. In early days a tree fell on him in the Ituri Forest and it took three days for him to be carried to Namirembe Hospital. There thigh broken & reset with no anaesthetic. Glasses of neat whisky were a little help. Sister Petheridge who was assisting Dr Cook sustained a broken arm when kicked by the patient! In 1914 he was Director of Surveys in BEA. On many safaris he used a mule but when he acquired a motor car all luggage had to be removed when they came to bridges and carried over to be loaded again. His wife died Nairobi 1958.
HBEA - District Surveyor, Nairobi  
KAD 1922 - District Surveyor, Cadastral Branch
Drumkey 1909 - Survey Department - Cadastral Survey - Senior Staff Surveyor
Gazette - 10/11/15 - appt. Acting Assistant Deputy Director of Surveys, Cadastral branch
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - George Woodruff, British, age 49, died 8/8/28 and Rachel d.12 July 1958 aged 77.
North - Formerly with the Ordinance Survey office in Edinburgh. Temporary appt. Asst. Surveyor UP 22/5/1903; badly injured 80 miles from Kampala when branch of tree fell on him - broken thigh and concussion 30/12/1903; at Entebbe 18/2/1905; arr. Mombasa from Uganda 14/5/1905; dep. Mombasa for England, invalided home with sleeping sickness 28/5/1905
SKP - 1938 - Society of Kenya Pioneers - over 30 years in Colony - Mrs R. Woodruff arrived 1906 - Nairobi
Leader14 - District Surveyor, Cadastral Branch, Survey Dept.
Colonial 1912 - Cadastral Survey - District Surveyor
Red Book 1912 - G. Woodruff - North Kavirondo
Red Book 1912 - Survey Dept. - District Surveyor
Red Book 1919 - Survey Dept. - Cadastral Branch - District Surveyor
Gazette - 3/9/1924 - Insolvency - Rachael Woodruff appointed manager of the estate of George Woodruff, a Lunatic.
Gazette - 28/8/1928 - Probate and Administration - George Woodruff late of Nairobi who died at Nairobi on 8 August 1928. Applied for by Rachel Woodruff and John Hammond Williams of Nairobi
Gazette - 26/7/1922 - Voters Register - Nairobi North - George Woodruff, Crooked Lane

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