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Name: COWEN, J. E.
First Date: 1908
Profession: Farmer
Area: Thara River
Book Reference: Land
General Information:
Land - 1908 - C.B. Hauseburg, T.R. Swift, F.D. Rutherford and J.E. Cowen - Grazing, 4000 acres, Thara River, 19-4-04, Registered 19-2-08
Land 1909 - B. Hausberg, J.E. Cowen, T.R. Swift and E.D. Rutherford - Grazing and agricultural, 2000 acres - Fort Hall District - 25/8/08 - Leasehold for 99 years from 1/3/09 - Registered 28/10/09
Ancestry Passenger list 1932 John Cowan [sic] b. 1870 and Harriet b. 1874 Mombasa to UK