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Name: BEADNELL, Charles Marsh (Surgeon Rear Admiral)
Birth Date: 17 Feb 1872 Rawalpindi
Death Date: 27 Sep 1947 Petersfield, Hampshire
First Date: 1920s
Profession: Surgeon in Navy; big game hunter
Married: 1904 Ellen Louisa Bailey b. 1 Nov 1875 Clifton, Glos., d. 19 Mar 1948 Petersfield
Book Reference: Kingsley-Heath
War Service: Anglo-Boer War on ship 'Powerful'
School: Cheltenham Coll.; Guy's Hosp
General Information:
Kingsley-Heath - Big-game hunter in the 1920s in East Africa on retirement from the Royal Navy
Obit in 'Nature' SURGEON REAR-ADMIRAL CHARLES MARSH BEADNELL, who died at Petersfield, Hampshire, on September 27, was president of the Rationalist Press Association, Ltd., and the author of several scientific books. Born at Rawalpindi in 1872, he was educated at Cheltenham College; and after studying medicine at Guy's Hospital he joined the Navy as a surgeon in 1896. He came to intellectual maturity while the great evolution controversy was still raging, and fell under the spell of Huxley. He became an ardent rationalist, and although service conditions somewhat restricted the propagation of his views, he frequently contrived to give lectures on evolution to 'lower deck’. On one occasion the commander-in-chief attended, and instead of administering the expected rebuke, he merely remarked that he had enjoyed the lecture very much; but, he added: “On second thoughts, Adam and Eve are good enough for me”.
Has an entry in Wikipedia
1939 England and Wales Register living in Egham with wife, retired