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Name: WILSON, Isabella, Miss
Birth Date: 1890
First Date: 1914
Profession: Nurse
Book Reference: Gazette
General Information:
Gazette - 29/4/14 - Miss Isabella Wilson appt. Nursing Sister
Gazette - 4/11/1914 - Appt. - East Africa Nursing Service - To be Nursing Sister - Miss I. Wilson
Gazette 6/5/1914 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Nursing Sister - 15/4/1914
Gazette - 19/6/1928 - Acting Matron, European Hospital, Nairobi
Blue Book 1930 appt. 21.3.1914, appt matron 21.9.1928
Medals - East African Nursing Service - Miss I. Wilson, Nursing Sister
Red 25 - Matron, European Hospital, Mombasa
[Confusion between Irene and Isabella Wilson]