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Name: SCOTT, Walter Fenemore Vaughan
Birth Date: 12 Aug 1884 Islington
Death Date: 16 Aug 1964 Madrid
First Date: 1915
Profession: African Coastal Agency Ltd.; in 1926 commercial secretary to the British Legation in Santiago
Area: Mombasa
Married: 1. In 1912 Adelina Carmen Alessi Accardi b. 7 May 1890 Verona; 2. In Kensington 1932 Wilhelmine M. Neudeck b. 1907 Kufstein, Austria, d. 1993 Guildford
Children: 1. Adelina Lucy (1912-2002); Valda Virginia (26 June 1914 Mombasa); Walter Vaughan (1916 Uxbridge)
Book Reference: Gazette, Medals
War Service: Mombasa Marines, EA Censors' Dept.
General Information:
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Mombasa
Medals - Mombasa Defence Force - Walter F. V. Scott, EA Unattached List, No. 11506, Private