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Name: COOKSLEY, Lancelot Robert
Birth Date: 19 May 1887 Barnstaple
Death Date: 1956 Wolverhampton
First Date: 1915
Profession: Magadi Soda Co. (Asst. Engineer)
Area: Mombasa
Married: In Wolverhampton 1926 Ida Una Dainty b. 26 Oct 1903 Blakenhall, Staffs., d. 1986 Wolverhampton
Children: Robert A. (1946 Wolverhampton-1946); four dau.
Book Reference: Gazette, Barnes
War Service: East African Units, Magadi Defence Force
School: Arthur Street School, Southwark
General Information:
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Mombasa (as C.R. Cooksley)
Barnes - Lancelot R. Cooksley, Magadi Defence Force, Corporal
1939 England and Wales Register living in Coseley, Staffs with wife. Occupation - joiner