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Name: STIRLING, Gordon Sheffield (Capt)

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Birth Date: 5.6.1886 Liverpool

Death Date: 26.12.1916 Kibata, Tanganyika, wounds received in action

First Date: 1915

Last Date: 1916

Profession: Asst Collector, Zanzibar 1911; Acting Sec. to Brit Redident in Zanzibar, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, KAR

Married: no

Book Reference: Gazette

War Service: KAR

School: Blackheath School, Clare Coll. Cambridge

General Information:

Gazette - 11/8/1915 - Appt. - KAR - Temporary Commission - To be Lieutenant - Lieut. Gordon Shaffield Stirling (late Lieut. Reserve of Officers, Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders) to be attached to the 3rd KAR's as Lieutenant
Gazette 24/1/1917 - Probate and Administration in respect of the estate of Gordon Sheffield Stirling who died in German East Africa on 26/12/1916.
De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour Awarded MC 1917. Was seconded from his regiment for service under the Foreign Office in 1911, when he went to Zanzibar as assistant collector, obtained a first class army interpretership in Swahili language in 1913, and was acting secretary to the British resident when war broke out. He immediately joined the British E African forces as interpreter in Swahili, on the staff of the Indian Expeditionary Force, and acted as assistant intelligence officer, which post he resigned in September 1914 to join the King's African Rifles, served with the East African Expeditionary Force in German East Africa from that date and died at Kibata 26 December 1916 from wounds received in action on the 18th while leading his company in an attack on the enemy's position. T.O. Fitzgerald wrote 'He was sent out with his company to attack a position held by the enemy and when leading his men got spiked through the leg. I always found him ready and willing to take on any job, dangerous or otherwise, with the greatest disregard for personal safety.'

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