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Name: DEWAR, Colin Thompson
Photo Source: William Cherry
Nee: son of Robert John Dewar
Birth Date: 4 Jan 1919 Nairobi
Death Date: 5 Aug 2010
Profession: Govt. servant. Emigrated to Britain
Married: In Nakuru Nonie F. Pascoe b. 18 May 1918
Children: C. John (1 June 1949); Anne E. (14 Feb 1948)
Book Reference: EAWL, Sitrep 2, Barnes
War Service: Captain in KAR in WW2
General Information:
Source: Roy Douglas Dewar
Early player for Old Cambrians Rugby Club - 1930s
KR 455 (for death date) One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937