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Name: FOWLER, Wilfred Cecil MC (Capt.)
Birth Date: 13 Feb 1896 Ladysmith, South Africa
Death Date: 25 Sep 1974 Nakuru
First Date: 1933
Last Date: 1974
Profession: Before farming in EA he was an officer in the R. Warwickshire Regt. serving in France in WW1. Seconded to the KAR 1920-25. Farmed at Nakuru and after sale of farm lived in Solai, near Nakuru.
Area: Nanyuki, 1925 5th KAR, Moyale, Solai
Married: In Mombasa 24 Sep 1934 Margaret Worsley Harrison b. 13 Apr 1909 Haslinden, Lancs., d. 13 July 1995 Edinburgh
Children: Twins John P. and Richard C. (1937)
Book Reference: EAWL, KAD, Red 25, Hut, Foster
War Service: With EA Forces (Administration)
School: Prep school in Pietermaritzburg, Bedford Boys School, Sandhurst
General Information:
His first job, during WW2, with Pat Ayre, was to arrest a German climber on Mt. Kenya. His nearest neighbours on his Nanyuki farm were Arnold Paice and Jack Soames.
Foster - always known as Cecil
KAD 1922 - 5th KAR, Dolo, Hut the same
Gazette 24 Jan 1975 probate