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Name: SCOTT-KELLIE, Richard

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Birth Date: 1894

Death Date: 8 Aug 1974 Nakuru

First Date: 1934 from Ceylon

Profession: Farmer

Area: Matumaini Farm, Molo

Married: 1934 Margaret Graeme Billson b. 9 Mar 1895 Leicester, d. 1 Nov 1984 Nakuru

Children: Frances Gillian Graeme 'Ruth' (1937)

Book Reference: James Foster

General Information:

E-mail from James Foster - 1934 - they were both in their early 40s. First they went to the Goldfields and then in 1939 they bought Matumaini Farm in the Molo area. I think they probably went to England in late 1938 or early 1939 and their daughter - their only child - was born there. The family returned with the daughter - Jill - but always known as Ruth, when she was 6 months old in 1939. In 1974 Mr died and is buried in Nakuru. His wife died in 1984 and is buried in Nakuru. The daughter lives in the family cedar roofed bungalow with a lovely view down the Mau towards Nakuru. I suspect that the farm was originally some 300 acres.
Facebook 26/2/2016 - Juliet Barnes - Does anybody remember Ruth Scott Kelly in Molo. Her parents have died, but she's still there. She has no money or family left, and doesn't even have a car. She started up a home for mentally and physically handicapped people and is still on the Board. An amazing lady.
Martin Hoddinott - Old man Scott-Kelly was the boiler inspector, his wife smoked a pipe, and his daughter bred Jersey catlle outside Molo. 
Charles 'Bill' Thompson I seem to remember the Scot- Kelly's rearing pigs. The pig farm was in the gum forest across the road from Speedy Testers garage. She also always wore a karki bush jacket. Dad attended to the pigs on occasions.
Gazette 8 Feb 1985 Margaret's probate
Gazette 11 Apr 1975 Richard's probate

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