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Name: STEPHEN, Arthur John
Nee: son of Robert and Elizabeth Stephen
Birth Date: 5 Apr 1930 Londiani
Death Date: 16 Feb 1966 road accident, Kenya
Last Date: 1966
Profession: Farmer. On his father's death Arthur and his mother operated the Kedong farm. When the Kedong farm was sold they invested money in the cattle ranch at Kima owned by Keith McKenzie, Margaret's father. Arthur became Manager.
Married: In Kenya 9 Nov 1956 Margaret McKenzie (granddau of James and Mary McQueen and dau of Keith McKenzie)
Children: Tina Fiona (1959); Lucille Elizabeth (1964)
Book Reference: EAWL, Sundown, Elephant People, Hut, Barnes
School: Prince of Wales School
General Information:
Source: Ronald Bevan Jolley
Sundown - Hunted elephant with Bill Woodley, an old school friend.
Arthur John - Kenya Regiment 3663
Nairobi City Park cemetery - Arthur John Stephen, died 16 Feb 1966 aged 35
Gazette 8 Mar 1966 probate