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Name: TATE-SMITH, Robert

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Birth Date: 21 June 1860 Sculcoates, Yorkshire

Death Date: 12 Feb 1927 Nairobi

First Date: 1912 - to join their son Ronald 'Roy'

Last Date: 1927

Profession: Saw mills

Area: Box 557, Nairobi

Married: In Patrington, Yorks. 18 Aug 1887 Amelia Sarah 'Minnie' Tate b. 15 Aug 1862 Yorkshire, d. 21 Sep 1937 Nairobi

Children: Robert Ronald 'Roy' (17 Apr 1889 York-23 Feb 1918 Tanganyika); Elinor Christina (Jolley, Thomason) (27 Aug 1900 Micklegate-11 Feb 1974 Barberton, S. Africa); Sylvia Lucy (Woods) (17 Aug 1903 York)

Book Reference: EAWL, KAD, Red 25, Red 22, Gazette, Barnes, Burke, R. Jolley

General Information:

Source: Ronald Bevan Jolley
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Robert Tate Smith, British, age 65, died 12/2/27
R.B. Jolley - "There is a possibility that the Tate-Smith family moved on arrival into the house at the top of 6th Avenue Parklands where it joined Mtema Road which Amelia purchased or Roy had built for their arrival. There is no doubt that Robert and Amelia were from a prestigious family, going by the furniture and heirlooms they brought out with them, including a piano. Amelia also purchased another property, half way between 3rd and 4th Avenues opposite what was eventually the High Ridge Golf Course. On arrival in Nairobi, Robert was employed at one of the Saw Mills along Sadler Street, but in a photo taken about 1920, Robert was shown standing among Telegraph Department staff with Norman Jolley his son-in-law. Unluckily Robert also had a drinking problem, and died 12 February 1927 and is buried in the City Park Cemetery[actually, Forest Rd.], where eventually Amelia was buried in 1937 and where son Roy also lies [actually, he is in a war cemetery in Dar es Salaam]."

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