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Name: STOVOLD, Kenneth Ernest MBE (Archdeacon)

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Photo Source: East African Standard 14 July 1934

Birth Date: 8 Aug 1909 Shackleford, Surrey

Death Date: 1 Oct 1983 Peper Harow, Surrey

First Date: 1931

Last Date: 1975

Profession: Church Missionary Society missionary

Area: Nyanza, Maseno, Kaloleni, Kabete

Married: In Harrow on the Hill 13 June 1934 Hilda Margaret Ridsdale b. 18 June 1905 Lindley, Yorks., d. 5 Oct 1988 Shackleford, Surrey (Principal of a Women's Missionary College in the UK)

Children: Roger Ernest Somerset (1937); Elizabeth Rose (1936); Paula Caroline (1941)

Book Reference: Foster

General Information:

Foster - In 1931 he arrived in Kenya as a lay CMS Missionary. At first he worked at the Alliance High School and then at Kaloleni. ……  On arrival in Kenya Mrs Stovold was appointed to the Principal of Kabete Girls' School which had 500 pupils. In 1938 he returned to UK for ordination attending a course at Wycliffe College. After ordination he worked as a curate at Keswick. After priesting he returned to Kenya on 26 July 1941 and was posted to the Coast until 1946 then he moved to Maseno for a year before being appointed Archdeacon of Nyanza in 1947.
In September 1955 he retired from CMS because his father had died and he wanted to spend 3 years living with his family in England. In 1966 he was awarded the Royal Africa Society Medal. In 1974 he was awarded an MBE. He did much work for the Capricorn Africa Society. In 1947-70 he was in Nyanza. In 1970-75 he was personal assistant to Archbishop Fester Olang. He retired from Kenya in 1975.
Kenya Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Coast Voters List

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