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Name: WOLFFE, Jacob David
Nee: son of David Wolffe, bro of Hermann 'Harry' Joshua Wolffe
Birth Date: 10 May 1874 Birmingham
Death Date: 30 June 1945 Nairobi
Nationality: British Jew
Last Date: 1945
Profession: Accountant; 1938 butcher at Gilgil
Area: Nairobi; Gilgil
Married: Alice Wildorf d. 8 Oct 1959
Book Reference: Barnes
General Information:
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Jacob Wolfe, Accountant, Salisbury Rd., Nbi. And Alice Wolfe, Married woman, Salisbury Rd.
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Rift Valley Voters List
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Aberdare Voters List expunged - clerk
Red 22 - J. Wolffe, c/o M. Rosenblum, Nairobi
Macmillan - 1930 - M. Rosenblum and Co. Ltd., General Merchants and Direct Importers - It was started in 1912 by Mr M. Rosenblum and carried on by him until 1925, when it was taken over by Mr A.L. Block, and formed into a limited liability company. The manager is Mr J. Wolffe, who has had long experience of local trade and has been connected with the concern since 1922.
CWGC - Nairobi South Cemetery - Company Quartermaster Serjeant, J. Wolffe, NB/355. East African Military Labour Corps. 30th June 1945. Age 70. Husband of Alice Wolffe, of Nairobi, Kenya. Jewish Sec. Grave 762
Nairobi South cemetery - Jacob Wolffe, died 30 Jun 1945 aged 70, husband of Alice Wolffe of Nairobi.
KAD 1922 has J. Wolfe, c/o Rosenblum, Nairobi.
Red 25 has J. Wolffe, c/o Rosenblum, Box 531, Nairobi.
Red 31 has J. Wolffe, Nairobi
Gazette 23 Feb 1960 wife's probate
Panikos Panayi, Germans as Minorities during the First World War, 2017 The Kenya govt. was concerned about Jacob Wolffe's plan to travel to India to marry his German mistress. She had earlier been arrested and deported from BEA to Belgaum, but would be able to return to Africa with a British husband. The attorney-general in Nairobi could 'not guarantee that her opinions are not pro-German' despite 'the lady being a Jewess' and he suggested that the govt. try to influence India to prevent this 'undesirable marriage'.