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Name: MARDON, Victor Rothwell
Nee: son of Evelyn John Mardon
Birth Date: 6 Mar 1911 Ottery St. Mary, Devon
Death Date: 11 July 2000 North Walsham, Norfolk
First Date: 1931
Last Date: 1963
Profession: Farming 1932-40, Military Service 1940-46, farming 1946-62, Registrar at Egerton College, Njoro 1962-63
Area: Eburru
Married: In Limuru 1948 Pamela Ann Stirling
Children: James and Anne (twins) (1949); John Stirling (1951), Caroline (1960)
Book Reference: EAWL, O&C, Wolseley-Lewis, Old Africa
War Service: 2/4 KAR 1940-41, OETA 1941-42 at Command HQ then Abyssinia, 8th Army Tripoli, Eritrea
School: Clifton College; Christ's College Cambridge 1929-32, BA (Agric) 1932
General Information:
Old Africa 4 - Jill Simpson writes - My father, Blair Shaw, worked for Victor Mardon in those days and he was in charge of building the house for Mardon on the side of Eburru looking towards Elmenteita. The house was built between 1936 and 1938. Our family lived in a small house on Marula (then owned by Sir John Ramsden) just near the Maasai Gorge, popular for the lovely 'blue clay' found there ………. Victor Mardon did not live in the house for long as water was a problem. He eventually built himself another much bigger house nearer the top of Eburru, which is now used as a secondary school.
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Rift Valley Voters List