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Name: MURRAY, George Lindsay
Birth Date: 9 Aug 1896 Newtownards, Ireland
Death Date: 14 Nov 1961 Nairobi
First Date: 1927
Last Date: 1961
Profession: Stock Inspector (latterly called Stock Instructor) Vet. Dept. Transferred to Labour Dept. as Labour Officer about 1947/48. Started Sangalo Vet Farm near Bungoma. Stock Inspector, Veterinary Dept., Kenya in 1939, appointed 1935. Orig. Temp Stock Insp. 1928
Area: Machakos, Solai, Eldama Ravine, Kapsabet, Baringo 1939, Thika 1953
Married: Agnes 'Nessa' b. 1897, d. 18 May 1949 Nairobi
Children: Barbara Dalzell (Watson-Jones) (1923)
Book Reference: EAWL, Barnes, Staff 39, Staff 53, Red 31, Dominion
War Service: Army Officer
School: Royal Academical Institution, Belfast
General Information:
During WW1 worked in charge Italian POWs during part of the war to clear the bush of tsetse. Was responsible for persuading the Kamasa to cull their cattle for meat during the war. They had previously refused & he nearly got killed by them before he talked them into the cull.Source: Mrs Barbara Watson-Jones
Staff 53 - Labour Officer, Labour Dept. In 1953
Dominion - Agricultural Department - Veterinary - Stock Inspector - 1930 - G.L. Murray
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery George L. Murray d.14 Nov 1961 AND Agnes 'Nessa' Murray 1897-18 May 1949
Gazette 6 Feb 1962 probate
Blue Book 1926 1st appt. 12.7.1928