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Name: DRESSER, Lionel Arthur (Lieut. RNR)
Birth Date: 6 Nov 1879 Tooting
Death Date: 24 Jan 1908 Elmenteita, gunshot wound
First Date: 1907
Last Date: 1908
Profession: Chief officer of the 'Clement Hill'
Area: Kisumu
Married: ?Charlotte (got probate but may be his mother called Charlotte)
Book Reference: Gazette, North
General Information:
Gazette 1/5/1908 - By the death of Lieut. L.A. Dresser RNR, Chief Officer ss 'Clement Hill' who met with a fatal gun accident when out shooting at Elmenteita on January 24th, the Lake Steamer Service has lost a capable and hard-working officer, who though he had only served a short time had succeeded in winning the confidence of his superiors.
Nat Probate Calendar
Indentured into Merchant Navy 16 Mar 1896