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Name: MARSHALL, Robert Husband (Capt.)
Birth Date: 23.1.1898 Dunfermline, Scotland
Death Date: 19.1.1978 Durban
First Date: 1926
Last Date: 1959
Profession: Army Officer 1914-18; subsequently a farmer. Early farmer first in coffee, in which he became an expert, and later in cattle - he became an Ayrshire breeder of some note and his dairy cattle won many prizes at shows when he was managing Kongoni Farm
Area: Ruiru, Kitisuru, Naivasha, N. Kinangop, 1925 Farm 832B Nanyuki, 1930 Box 401, Nairobi, 1937 Northbrook Est. Ruiru
Married: 1929 Olive 'Judy' Wilks b. 4.7.1894 Birmingham, d. 1979 Durban, S. Africa
Children: Jeremy (10.10.1931-1963); Ann Margaret (Staniland) (29.5.1934 Nairobi)
Book Reference: EAWL, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Bap
War Service: Served in France and in the Indian Cavalry in India
School: Fettes College
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