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Name: CLAY, Violet Muriel Leslie, Miss
Nee: cousin of Harold Angus and Robert Angus Clay, dau of Ralph Herbert Clay
Birth Date: 18 July 1908 West Kirby, Cheshire
Death Date: 1996 High Wycombe, Bucks.
First Date: 1948
Last Date: 1972
Profession: Journalist; Women's Features Editor EA Standard 1949-61; Sub-Editor Kenya Weekly News; Publicity Officer Coffee Board of Kenya and EA High Commission
Area: Nairobi, Nakuru
Book Reference: EAWL, Women 2/96, Who's Who
War Service: Press Officer to the BBC
School: Avalon Prep School, West Kirby, Meols High School, Secretarial Course Liverpool
General Information:
One of the first 5 people to visit the tree house built for Princess Elizabeth's visit before she was Queen. When staying with her cousin Harold Clay at Thika he suggested climbing Donyo Sabuk and told his manager Bill Martin to escort her. Half way up Lesley noticed he carried a revolver and asked him what it was for, he replied to shoot himself because of all the rhinos - they returned without going further. She always carried a revolver in her handbag when she travelled up country during Mau Mau rebellion.
Who's Who 1956 - Feature writer, social and woman's page editor, EA Standard; with BBC as press officer for 7 yrs.; In television and producer on Radio News Reel; in broadcasting since 1937; Founder member Women's Press Club, London.
1939 England and Wales Register living in Hoylake with mother and father