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Name: SAMPSON, Richard Claude (Major)

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Birth Date: 5 May 1916 South Kensington

Death Date: 1 Jan 2000 Norwich

First Date: 1940

Last Date: 1958

Profession: Regular Officer. A/Supt. Colonial Police to 1958

Area: Mombasa

Married: 1947 Rosemary A. Collingridge b. 2.9.1924

Children: Richard C. (10.2.1950); Mary H. B. (20.5.1952)

Book Reference: KAR, Rhino Link 23

War Service: KAR, RAF

School: St. Hugh's Prep School, Tutor, Oxford University

General Information:

Ancestry Passenger list Southampton-Mombasa 25 Sep 1955
Adviser to Haile Selassie, ADC to Gov. Nyasaland
Newcastle Evening Chronicle 11 Apr 1959 Flight-lieut. Richard Claude Sampson (42), commanding officer of the RAF station at Cold Healedon near Seaham, was fined £60 and banned from driving for two years at Durham quarter sessions today. He was convicted of driving whilst under the influence of drink and dangerous driving. During the three-day trial it was said that Sampson was a former member of the Colonial Police in East Africa and served in operations against the Mau Mau. His future must necessarily be impaired. The chairman said that ordinarily where a person convicted of such offences had sufficient means it was the custom of the court to order him to pay the prosecution costs. He did not propose to make such an order in this case because of the possibly much graver consequences which at least one of these convictions may involve, he said.

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