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Name: BOOL, Ernest Alfred
Birth Date: 13 June 1880 London
Death Date: 29 Nov 1960 Alton, Hants
First Date: 1903
Profession: Settled at Mbagathi; coffee planter
Area: Mbagathi River, Dagoretti, SE - Limuru, PO Box 30, Nairobi - July 1907, 1930 Malindi
Married: single in 1939
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Land 1903, EAHB 1905, Red 31, Hut, North, Drumkey, Red 22, EAHB 1906, AJ, EAHB 1907
General Information:
SE - E.A. Bool - Limoru, PO Box 30 - Jul 1907
Land Grant 1903 - W.J. Peake and E.A. Bool - Agricultural, about 500 acres - Kikuyu - Mar 16th - Freehold - Transferred from J.W. Uppnam. Further Grant 1903 - Peak and Bool - Agricultural 550 acres - Mbagathi - Aug 3 - Freehold. Further Grant 1903 - E.A. Bool - Agricultural, 110 acres - Mbagathi - Oct 26 - Freehold
Drumkey - Cattle Brand - E3B
Red 22 - A.E. Bool, Budongo, Masindi, Uganda
Agricultural Journal 1908 - Brands allotted and registered - E.A. Bool, P.O. Box 30, Nairobi - Kiambu E3B
1939 England and Wales Register living alone in Alton, Hants.
Brixton electoral register 1935 - he is listed with Leslie, Louisa Catherine. and Sidney James Bool
Ancestry marriages - Louisa Catherine is married to Sidney James Bool, Ernest's brother