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Name: DICKINSON, Percival Garnet OBE
Birth Date: 1 Apr 1875 Pietermaritzburg
Death Date: 6 Mar 1919 London
First Date: 1910 Mar
Profession: Farmer
Area: Kia Ora Ruiru, Hut - 1919 Kiambu JP
Married: In New Zealand 1909 Mabel Webb b. Apr 1883 Feilding, New Zealand. d. 1959 (sis of Richard Hadfield Webb and William John Webb)
Children: Robert William (29 Jan 1912 Ndarugu, Kiambu)
Book Reference: Gillett, Red 25, Hut, Red Book 1912, North, SE, HBEA, Hut, Land, Kiambu Scrapbook, Gazette, Leader14, Red 19
General Information:
SE - P.G. Dickinson - Mar 1910
Land - P.G. Dickinson leased 5566 acres at West Kenya, passed to A.G. Davies-Evans
Kiambu Scrapbook - Ruiru - Mr P.G. Dickinson, a brother-in-law of the well remembered "Billiam" Webb had started to farm on Kia-Ora, on the other side of the township in 1908, but did not plant coffee there till 1912. Mr Webb himself came to Kenya that year to manage another farm of Mr Dickinson's at Nyeri. In April 1914 he went to Kia-Ora, Mr Dickinson being on leave in England, and managed both properties until war broke out, paying monthly visits to Nyeri on a bicycle and only taking a day to cover the 91 miles of extremely bad road. But the major coffee developments in Ruiru in which he took part were made after the war when Mr John Ross joined the partnership.
Land - 1910 - P.G. Dickinson - Grazing and agricultural, 5566 acres - Nyeri District - 18/1/10 - Leasehold under Occupation Licence for 2 to 99 years from 1/7/10 - Registered 13/10/10
Gazette - 11/10/16 - Percival Garnet Dickinson appt. JP, Kiambu
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Kiambu - P.G. Dickinson, Kia Ora, Ruiru
Leader14 - E.G. Dickinson - Kiambu
Leader14 - Ruiru Association - President - P.G. Dickinson
Red Book 1912 - P.G. Dickinson - Kyambu
Red Book 1912 - Nominated Unofficial Member of Legislative Council - The Hon P.G. Dickinson
Red Book 1912 - Member of the Land Board - P.G. Dickenson [sic]
Red Book 1919 - Ruiru Farmers' Association - President - P.G. Dickinson, JP
HBEA 1912 - has P.G. Dickinson as President of Ruiru Farmers Association
Red 25 has P.C. Dickinson, Kiambu
Ancestry Passenger list 1911 UK-Mombasa he travelled with Miss Dickenson
Gazette 15 Apr 1910 P.G. Dickenson, Kyambu, Game licence
Farmed at Thika - partner with West