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Name: FAWCUS, W. (T. ?)
First Date: 1907 (July)
Profession: Farm manager
Area: 1909 Mistlands Limoru
Book Reference: SE, Hut, Playne, Drumkey
General Information:
Playne - Mistlands Farm - This property is situated some 3 miles from Limoru Station, and is managed by Mr T. Fawcus, who came from Natal in 1905, and is one of the partners of Kay-Mouat Ltd., of Nairobi, the owners. The company had great trouble with the Land Office at the outset. It possesses right of way to water. ......... The owners have a contract with the railway for wattle for fuel purposes. This wattle-growing is to be the chief aim. .......... The company owns 1600 acres at Athi River and 400 acres at Kikuyu, all of which are to be put under wattle.
Is this William Paul James Fawcus?