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Name: FEIN, Henry 'Harry'
Birth Date: 1861
Death Date: 20.4.1913 Nairobi
First Date: 1904
Profession: Hotel proprietor
Area: Grand Hotel, Nairobi
Married: Annie Lazarus b. 1881 England, d. 12 Mar 1950 Johannesburg (later m. Philip Goodman)
Children: Freda Myra (Simon) (1903 Transvaal, S. Africa)
Book Reference: SE, Letter, Drumkey, Land, Jews, Advertiser, EAHB 1906, AJ, Globe, North, EAHB 1907, Glimpses, Red Book 1912, Barnes
General Information:
SE - H. Fein - Grand Hotel, Nbi. - July 1907
Letter from A. Rehm to G. Bunting dated 22nd January 1909 from Nairobi mentions - 'Fein has given up the Royal and I believe is giving up the Grand, Diamond left him ….. '
Land - 1908 - H. Fein - Building, 4.4 acres, Nairobi Hill, 18-4-05, Registered 27-7-08
Land - 1907 - H. Fein - Building, 75ft by 56ft and 75ft by 56ft, Nairobi, 20-9-05, Registered 3-5-07
Land - 1907 - H. Fein - Grazing, 4684 acres, Ndarugu River, 22-10-06, Registered 26-9-07
Jews - A Congregation was formed in 1904, under the presidency of H. Fein but it is not known how many members it had and records were not kept until 1907.
Jews - Early in 1907, the community made application for a burial ground to the Uganda Railways, who controlled most of the land in the inhabited area of Nairobi, and on June 28 of that year a plot was granted to H. Fein, the first President.
Land - 1912 - Harry Fein - Buildings, 5121.5 sq.ft. and 5120.5 sq.ft. - Nairobi - 20/11/11 - Leasehold for 99 years from 1/12/11 - Registered 15/2/12
Land - 1912 - H. Fein - Grazing and agricultural, 2260 acres - Londiani - 2/9/11 - Occupation Licence for 2 to 99 years from 1/9/11 - Registered 1/1/12
Advertiser - 8/1/09 - Notice - All claims against me, the undersigned, should be sent in before the 31st January 1909 with vouchers in support thereof. - H. Fein
EAHB 1906 - F. Fein - Nairobi ??
Agricultural Journal - Brands Allotted and Registered, September 1908 - H. Fein, Nairobi - Kiambu E1F
The Globe Trotter 6/3/07 - The new and elegant building adjoining the Bank of India yelept [sic, should be yclept, ancient word for 'called'] the "Royal Hotel" has now been formally opened. Its situation is admirable being on the main artery of the town, Government Road, within 5 minutes of the station, and contiguous to the Post Office. The amplitude of the space, the bar, the dining and luncheon rooms commend themselves to those who from necessity have to adopt a temporary home. I am told the cuisine is excellent, the bedroom accommodation and appointments all that can be desired. Mr Fein, the Boniface, is well known as a public caterer and to old residents of Nairobi needs no introduction.
North - Bird Licence, Nairobi April-June 1905; Proprietor of 'The Commercial Hotel', Nairobi Aug-Dec 1905
EAHB 1907 - Nairobi (Commercial Hotel)
Nairobi South cemetery - Harry Fein, died 20 April 1913
Glimpses - arrived 1904 to open a business in Nairobi
Glimpses - Although he was obviously a man of substance, Fein has vanished from history; no one remembers where he came from, what he was doing in Nairobi, or what happened to him.
Red Book 1912 - Labour Agent, Nairobi - H. Fein
Gazette 15/5/1913 - Probate and Administration in respect of Harry Fein, late of Nairobi, who died at Nairobi on 20/4/1913. Applied for by Annie Fein and Bertram Gray Allen.
Gazette - 15/4/1912 - Labour Agent's Permit issued at Fort Hall during the quarter ending 31 March 1912 - H. Fein
Gazette - 1/5/1906 - Liquor License - Mr H. Fein, Nairobi (Commercial Hotel)