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Name: FOCKS, John Peter 'Jack'

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Birth Date: 1852 Mossel Bay, S. Africa

Death Date: 21 Nov 1931 Nairobi

First Date: 1907 July

Last Date: 1931

Profession: Fruit farmer

Area: Limoru, Thika, 1919 Kabuku Fruit Farm, Chania Bridge

Married: Bertha Louisa Smith b. Port Elizabeth 23.11.1851, d. Nairobi 15.6.1928

Children: John Louis Theron (24 Aug 1878 Pretoria, Cape Colony-25 Oct 1943 Nairobi)

Book Reference: SE, Red 25, Hut, Red 22, Land, Gazette, Barnes, Leader14, Anne Stafford, HBEA, What's What, Red Book 1912

General Information:

SE - J.P. Focks - Limoru then Theka - July 1907
Red 22 - J.P. Focks, Senior, Kabuku Fruit Farm, Chania Bridge
Land - 1908 - J.P. Focks, J.A. Van de Westhuizen and G. Donavich - Grazing, 4000 acres, Gunia and Theka Rivers, 7-7-06, Registered 1-7-08
Land 1909 - J.P. Focks, J.L.T. Focks, J.A. von der Westhuizen and G. Donavitch - Grazing and agricultural, 1000 acres - Thika River - 7/7/06 - Leasehold for 99 years from 1/3/08 - Registered 18/6/10
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Fort Hall - J.P. Focks, Kabuku, Chania Bridge
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - John Peter Focks, British, age 79, died 21/11/31
Leader14 - J.P. Focks & Son. - Kiambu
Anne Stafford - John Peter and wife were close personal friends of Jan Smuts and went to Kenya from South Africa in 1902 as his personal representative. John Louis and family followed from South Africa at the end of 1906 when my father was 6 months old.
HBEA - 1912 - J.D. Focks ?
"What's What in the Kenya Highlands" by W.S. Bromhead - "Types of Small Thika Properties" "............  My first visit to lone-hand cultivators coming under this category was to Mr Focks, a fierce specimen of the Africander Boer - but withal as white a man as can be found in Kenya and a delightful host - who fought against the British in the South African war and today is a prosperous settler, living comfortably from the proceeds of his estate and educating his children in the Colony. His old white-bearded father - now retired - took up the property close upon 20 years ago, arriving in the country with little else than a practical knowledge of pioneering life - including the patient doggedness this experience engenders - his family, and a pocketful of assorted citrus pips. During his early struggles to make good, a living income was obtained from the 18 to 20 acres of oranges and lemons he planted on a river-flat under dry-irrigation conditions, supplemented by transport work. Indeed these now mature fruit trees, some being quite 25 feet high, are probably the oldest in the Highlands; and most of Nairobi's citrus supply has been drawn from this orchard during the last decade. To-day there are in addition 90 acres under coffee. In general farming maize yielding an average of 8 to 12 bags per acre, beans 15 to 18 bushels, wheat 15 bushels, and good oats, have also been, or are being grown. Mr Focks took his part in the recent war; and the fact that he refused to apply for an ex-soldier farm at its close shews the manner of man he is. He is satisfied to develop his own property of 1,200 acres; and, knowing there were not enough farms to go round for the landless men, stood aside. For 17 years he, his wife and family, have lived at Thika where the elevation of his home is 4,880 ft., under climatic conditions similar to Fort Ternan, except that the average rainfall here is about 37 inches. ......... ............. other estates .............. To all these Mr Focks is a centre of hospitality and information. Around his table I have met veterans of the South African struggle belonging to both of the contending sides, but comrades in the last war, and listened with interest to the friendly reminiscences of the old fighters as they drank their sundowners amicably together - now pioneers in another and later whiteman's expansion."
Red Book 1912 - J.P. Focks - Kyambu
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Ukamba Area - John Peter Focks - Orchardist, Kabuku, PO Chania Bridge

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