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Name: SEWELL, Frederick William 'Scratchit Sewell'

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Birth Date: 23 July 1863 Plaistow

Death Date: 9 Nov 1911 Escarpment, Kenya

First Date: 1908

Last Date: 1911

Profession: Manager of Kedong Valley Syndicate Farm

Area: Kijabe

Married: In Kensington 14 Sep 1890 Christina Boothby McLeod b.1868 Scotland, d. 26.7.1940 Winkleigh, Devon

Children: Frederick Lancelot (11 Aug 1891 Radlett-1962); Isa Christine Noelle (Butler) (23.12.1892 Watford-20.9.1949 Kensington); Stephen Benjamin (1908 St Pancras)

Book Reference: SE, Hut, Playne, Barnes, Red Book 1912, Gazette, North

General Information:

SE - F.J.W. Sewell - Dec 1909
Playne - The Kedong Valley Syndicate - The farmer is too often compelled, by the smallness of his capital, to seek unduly quick returns. It is not so with this syndicate. They have very wisely determined to stock-up before taking a return for their money, and £6000 is to be spent on stock and improvements. Their property comprises 30,100 acres, and is in the Naivasha District - 100 acres are situated on the shores of Lake Naivasha, 15000 acres on the Mau near the Lake, 10000 acres in the Kedong Valley, and 5000 acres further towards the German border. All of it is sheep land. The object at present is to breed up native sheep and grade to Merino from Masai ewes. Horse-breeding is also being tried experimentally. The Syndicate acts in conjunction with the Boma Trading Company Ltd., in regard to Abyssinian stock trading, and many hundreds of cattle, sheep, goats, etc. pass through their hands annually. They imported from India Governor, a famous racing Arab stallion, with the idea of providing a pony for the settler by crossing the Arab with Somali and Abyssinian mares. Mares and foals now born on the property point to the success of this experiment. Cattle and ostriches are also kept. The property is under the direct supervision of Mr F.W. Sewell, with headquarters in the Kedong Valley, 10 miles from Kijabe Station.
Nairobi South cemetery - Frederick William Sewell, died 9 Nov 1911 - "a devoted husband, a loving father, a faithful friend, Frederick William Sewell, who fell asleep Nov 9 1911 and love lives on and hath a power to bless when those who loved are hidden in the grave - Lowell"
Red Book 1912 - F.W. Sewell - Kyambu
Gazette 15/5/1912 - Probate and Administration in respect of the estate of Frederic William Sewell late of Escarpment, who died at Escarpment on 9/11/1911, applied for by Christina Boothby Sewell, widow of the deceased.
Hut has F.W. Sewell - pre WW1, Kedong Valley Syndicate.
Playne has a Mr Sewell as an original director of Unga Ltd. In 1909

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