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Name: SMYTHE, E. P.
First Date: 1904
Profession: Farmer
Area: Forest Hill Farm, Molo
Book Reference: SE, KFA, Hut, Playne, Drumkey, Land, Red Book 1912, North
General Information:
SE - E.P. Smyth - Molo - May 1908
Playne - Forest Hill Farm - The settler in BEA is not built as a grumbler. He is a cheerful optimist, as all energetic and enterprising people are. That is the way of Mr E.P. Smyth, the owner of Forest Hill Farm. He expresses himself as well satisfied with his prospects. Mr Smyth came from South Africa in 1904. His 5000 acres are close to Molo Station. He has 1 mile of railway frontage, well watered, and there is enough timber for home use. The dwelling-house is built of wood and iron, and there are several outbuildings.
Land - 1906 - E.P. Smyth - Grazing, 1000 acres and 4000 acres - Molo - Freehold and 99 years lease from 1/3/1906 - Registered 29/5/1906
Red Book 1912 - E. Smyth - Naivasha
KFA - Partner with Heppes ?
North -Forest Hill farm, Molo