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Name: DRAPER, Harold William
Nee: son of George and Emily Draper
Birth Date: 1876 Bloomsbury, London, bapt 13 Sep
Death Date: 19 May 1943 Mombasa
First Date: 1909
Profession: Farmer
Area: Post Office, Nairobi. 1925 Kima Station, 1930 Box 340, Mombasa, 1917 Keteri Kinangop
Book Reference: HBEA, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Medals, Red Book 1912, North
War Service: EA Vet Corps
General Information:
Red 22 - Kima Station Medals - East Africa Veterinary Corps - H.W. Draper, No. 5006, Corporal
Red Book 1912 - H.W. Draper - Kyambu
KAD has H.D. Draper, Kima
Gazette 17 June 1925 Harold William Draper, Farmer, Machakos, in Ukamba electoral list