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Name: MILLS, Frederick Samuel

Birth Date: 1863 East Leake, Notts

Death Date: ?1947 Eastbourne

First Date: 1912

Profession: Farmer, Farm 87

Area: Uasin Gishu

Married: Elizabeth Jane b. 1861 Kegworth, Leics.

Children: dau Gautwood E. (1883 East Leake); Harry (1884 East Leake); Oliver (1889 East Leake); Claribel (1891 East Leake); Arthur (1892 East Leake); Elsie (1895 East Leake); Albert (1898); Horace (1901 East Leake)

Book Reference: HBEA, Hut, KGF, Red Book 1912, Web

General Information:

Red Book 1912 - F.S. Mills - Uasin Gishu
Web - Frederick Samuel MILLS. He was born in East Leake in Nottinghamshire England in1863 but by 1916 he was living near Nairobe, Africa. He came back to England to see his daughter whom had been left with an aunt when he went with his wife and other three children to Chile. They were only going for two years but there was a revolution every time they tried to get a boat home, After the birth of 6 more children his wife died and sometime after that he went to live in South Africa.

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