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Name: MINNERS, Alwin
Birth Date: 15 Oct 1874 Osterjork
Nationality: German
First Date: 1907
Profession: Partner in C.A. Heyer & Co, Nairobi - safari organisers
Area: Nairobi
Book Reference: HBEA, Red 31, Playne, Land, Gazette, Red Book 1912
General Information:
Red 31 has A. Minners, Box 587, Nairobi
Playne - As complete outfitters of scientific and shooting expeditions Messrs. C.A. Heyer & Co. have shooting and driving ponies and mules always on hand, as well as one of the largest stocks of rifles and ammunition in the country and German East Africa. The firm is a German and American one, Messrs C.A. Heyer and A. Minners being the sole proprietors. One of the partners is always on the Continent. Brokers, land and commission agents, Govt. auctioneers and stock salesmen, contractors to his Majesty's Govt., the firm's head office is at Nairobi, with branches at Zanzibar, Mombasa and Port Florence in BEA, and at Tabora, Kilimanjaro, Mwanza, Shirati, and in GEA. There are also agents in Germany and the USA. ....................... The large premises in Nairobi have 150 feet frontage to the Govt. Rd. One of the principal lines of business is the export of big game alive. In 1906, through GEA 117 beasts were exported ...... In 1907 622 beasts ...... and in 1908 158 beasts, including one elephant. ...... A varied stock of animals is always kept, and a large staff of Europeans are employed to catch wild specimens. Messrs C.A. Heyer & Co. have large interests in GEA, including a fibre concession of 180 square miles on the Mkomazi River (which is navigable on the other side). It is bounded by the Pangani River, also navigable. ..... The firm also have large interests in a rubber concession in GEA, situated between the Ikoma River and the British boundary on the Mara River.
Land - 1912 - Alwyn Minners - Building and agricultural, 9.12 acres - Katisura - 23/11/11 - Under Occupation Licence for 2 to 99 years from 1/1/12 - Registered 12/1/12
Gazette - 17/5/16 - Notice - Trading with the Enemy
Red Book 1912 - A. Miniers - Nairobi
Gazette 1 Jan 1914 Traveller's licence, Nairobi