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Name: BROOK, Walter Burridge (Major)
Birth Date: 15 Apr 1876 Brading, Isle of Wight, bapt. 28 May
Death Date: 1 May 1953 Ngong
First Date: 1911
Profession: Administration in EAP 1911. After WW1 he returned to Administrative duties. He was promoted to PC and served in many districts in the Colony. A prominent Freemason, on retirement he bought property at Ngong where he lived until he died
Area: Ngong. HBEA 1912 ADC, Kisii, 1922 Kitale, Trans Nzoia, 1928 Kisumu, 1925 Voi
Married: In Croydon 9 June 1901 Edith Jane Nunn b. 17 Apr 1881 Norwood, d. 31 Mar 1961 Karen
Children: Walter Granville (1902 Croydon); Lewis George (1903 Croydon); Edward Frederick (8 Mar 1910 South Norwood)
Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, EAWL, Oswald, Samson, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Karen 50, Hut, Drumkey, Red 22, Gazette, Bur, Dominion, SS, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Red 19
War Service: KAR in WW1
General Information:
North has William Burridge Brook (Capt) Company Commander KAR 4.2.1909
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Kiambu Voters List
He joined the KAR in Nyasaland in 1905, was later in Zanzibar. Served in the KAR from August 1914 until after the Armistice. Memoirs of Maurice B. Tennent - 1926 - Occasionally Magistrate at Lumbwa
Oswald - Commanding the Police Force at Kisii in 1911
Samson - 1927 - Kisumu - Major Brook acted as our host - he held the position of Resident Commissioner - Maj & Mrs Brook ideal hosts ........ Major Brook told me that, in the old days, he had often shot game from the verandah of his house. He was a very old resident in the country, and had served in the KAR. I spent an interesting hour looking at his photograph albums, which recorded the life of the Colony for the last 18 years.
KAD 1922 - District and Resident Commissioner and Resident Magistrate, Trans-Nzoia, Kitale
Karen 50 - One of the original members of Karen Club in 1937 (Major & Mrs). President in 1946
Gazette - 8/7/14 - Capt. Walter Burridge Brook - appt. Labour Officer, Kisumu
Gazette - 23/9/1914 - Appt. - Base Commandant - Captain W.B. Brook, KAR, to date September 3rd 1914
Nairobi City Park Burial Register - Walter Burridge Brook, age 77, died 1/5/1953
Dominion - District Officer - 1930
Soldier Settlement Scheme after WW1 - Class B - Major W.B. Brook, Junior Naval and Military Club, 96 Piccadilly, W1 - Farm 1405
Red Book 1912 - W.B. Brook - Kisu - Kisumu Province - Asst. DC at Kisii
Red Book 1919 - W B Brook - Asst. Dist. Com. Secretariat - Nairobi
Gazette - 26/9/1923 - Voters Register - Coast - Major Walter Burridge Brook, District Commissioner, Kismayu and Edith Brook, Kismayu
Gazette 2 June 1953 probate
Gazette 18 Apr 1961 wife's probate
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