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Name: MONSON, Christopher John
Nee: bro of William John Monson, son of Rev Evelyn John Monson, related to Baron Monson
Birth Date: 8 Oct 1881 Croft, Lincs.
Death Date: 10 Jan 1932 Alassio, Liguria, Italy
First Date: 1912
Profession: 1912 Adviser for Tobacco, Agricultural Dept.
Area: Nairobi
Married: 1930 Joan Eileen Reynolds ?b. 1908 Kensington
Book Reference: HBEA, KAD, Red 22, Gazette, Burke, Leader14, Red 19
General Information:
Gazette - 17/11/15 - appt. Registrar of Documents
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Dagoretti - C.J. Monson
Red Book 1919 - Agricultural Dept. - Asst. To Director
KAD 1922 - Personal Asst. to Director of Agriculture and Tobacco Officer.