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Name: WOODHOUSE, Coventry William MC (Capt.)
Nee: son of Alfred Mary Charlotte P. Woodhouse of Brighton
Birth Date: 21 Mar 1884 Coonoor, Madras, Tamil Nadu, India
Death Date: 1 Nov 1918 Mozambique, Maputo Cemetery [Lourenco Marques]
First Date: 1909
Last Date: 1918
Profession: 1912 Assistant Game Warden. Percival - one of the game rangers. Red 25 - Assistant Game Ranger 1911-18
Area: 1909 Njoro
Book Reference: HBEA, Percival, White Man, Red 25, Hut, Drumkey, Gazette, CWGC, Medals, Barnes, Leader14, Chandler, mini-SITREP XXXIII, Red Book 1912
War Service: Captain, Special List, EA Forces in WW1
General Information:
Gazette - 26/8/1914 - Appt. - C.M. [sic] Woodhouse to be employed in the Intelligence Department with the rank of Lieutenant, to date August 5th 1914
Gazette - 11/8/1915 - Appt. - Intelligance Department - To be Captain - Lieut. Coventry William Woodhouse
Medals - East African Intelligence Department - Lieutenant
Muthaiga Club War Memorial - 1 Nov 1918 aged 34, Capt. Special List, Maputo Cemetery, Mozambique
Leader14 - Assistant, Game Dept.
mini-SITREP XXXIII - Legion of Frontiersmen - 1912 - Rough Rider - 1st Lt. C.W. Woodhouse
Red Book 1912 - C.W. Woodhouse - Northern Frontier
Gazette 19/3/1919 - Probate and Administration in respect of Coventry William Woodhouse, late of Nairobi, who died at Lourenço Marques on 1/11/1918. Applied for by A.B. Percival of Nairobi.
Gazette - 4/7/1917 - Birthday Honours - MC - Captain C W Woodhouse, Intelligence Dept.
Gazette - 6/11/1918 - Obituary - His Excellency the Acting Governor deeply regrets to announce the death of - C W Woodhouse MC, Assistant Game Warden, at Lourenço Marques on November 1 1918
CWGC has death as 1 Nov 1918