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Name: CAINE, William Henry Attwood

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Nee: brother of George William Leslie, Guy, Harold Edgar Howe and Lionel Edward Caine

Birth Date: 19.12.1859 Hong Kong

Death Date: 29.7.1929 Nairobi

First Date: 1903

Last Date: 1929

Profession: Farmer

Area: Nairobi, 1904 Three Trees Farm, 1919 Caineville Estate Limuru

Book Reference: Joelson, Bovill, Land 1903, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, North, Playne, Drumkey, Red 22, Advertiser, Pioneers, EAHB 1906, Barnes, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Red 19, Barnes

War Service: EAMR has W.H. Caine - E Sqdn. 6/3/15

General Information:

Playne - Caineville Estate - Mr G.W.L. Caine came to BEA in 1903 from India. His brother and partner, Mr W.H.A. Caine, came from the Transvaal the following year. The estate has an area of 5000 acres; 3000 acres are freehold, and run parallel with the railway line for 6 miles. The remainder is leasehold, and runs for 3 miles within 100 ft. of the railway line. The whole property is well watered, though it is situated so low that irrigation is impossible ....... The homestead is 1 mile from Limoru Station. 15 'boys' are employed on the permanent staff, but the average number all the year round is 30. There are native tenants on the property to the extent of 374 huts, whilst the 7 Indian storekeepers and the occupants of the Somali butchery adjoining the Limoru Station are also tenants. ......... The dwelling-house is built of wood (cut on the property) with iron roof, and all the barns, to the number of 5, and the outbuildings are thatched.
Red 22 - President, Limuru Farmers' Association
Advertiser - 21/8/1908 - Partners in Caine Bros., Limuru are George William Leslie Caine and William Henry Atwood Caine
Pioneers - Limuru - Tea was first planted in Limuru by Mr W.H. Caine, who obtained his seed from the Director of the Calcutta Botanical Gardens in 1903. A hand-made and sun-dried sample was sent to London for comment in 1909. The report was generous and ended with a valuation of 7d. per pound.
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - William H. Caine, British, age 70, died 29/7/29
Leader14 - Limoru Farmers Association - President
Red Book 1912 - W.H.A. Caine - Kyambu
Red Book 1912 - President - Limuru Farmers'  Association
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Kikuyu - William Henry Attwood Caine, Farmer, Karanji, Limoru
Red Book 1919 - W H A Caine, JP - Settler - Caineville Estate, Limuru
Red Book 1919 - Limuru Farmers' Association - President - W.H. Caine JP
Joelson - 1928 - Pioneer of tea growing - Mr W.H. Caine.
Land Grant 1903 - W.H.A. Caine - Agricultural, 1,000 acres - Limuru - July 24 - Freehold.
KAD 1922 - President, Limuru Farmers' Association
Gazette - 6/5/1930 -Probate and Administration - William Henry Attwood Caine late of Limoru who died at Nairobi on 29 July 1929. Applied for by L.E. Caine and E.C. Harrison.

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