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Name: FELLING, Christian Ludolph Neethling CMG, Sir

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Photo Source: full length - Kenya Observer 28 Apr 1923

Birth Date: 1880 Cape Town

Death Date: 19 Aug 1928 Nairobi, malaria

First Date: 1922

Last Date: 1928

Profession: Kenya Farmers' Association - delegate to the Maize Conference of 1923 [photo]. Member of Legislative Council. Appointed General Manager of the Uganda Railway 28 Nov. 28 1922. Knighted 1928

Area: Nairobi

Married: In Witwatersrand, South Africa 3 June 1907 Martha Mathilda Duuring b. 1 Jan 1887 Hanover, S. Africa, d. 29 Sep 1965 Huddersfield (later m. Herbert Alfred Read 1873-1942)

Children: Willem Hendrik (William Henry) (13 Sep 1908 Johannesburg); Marie (1914)

Book Reference: KFA, Permanent Way, Golf, Joelson, Manual, Tignor, White Man, Debrett, Red 25, Barnes, Who's Who

School: Public school, Stellenbosch, SA College, Cape Town

General Information:

Permanent Way - the son of a Cape Town Missionary, was born in 1880 and educated at Stellenbosch and at the SA College Cape Town, where he studied Law. In 1895 he joined the Cape Government Railways, and in 1918 he was appointed Chief Assistant to the General Manager of the SA Railways and Harbours. He was appointed  a Companion of St. Michael and St. George in 1922, soon proved himself to be of far greater ability than any previous General Manager of the Uganda Railway, and a brilliant organiser and administrator. ........…..
In 1923 Mr Felling really got into his stride. His practical genius, his skill and resource as a railway technician, his foresight and skill in matters of finance, his ability to inspire others and certain qualities of statesmanship, all played a part in enabling him to create a revolution in the state of the railway. .........
On his death in 1928 Sir Edward Grigg said to Legco - "There was about Christian Felling, with all his sheer practical ability, a touch of knight-errantry, a spirit of high and gallant endeavour, which thrilled to the romance of creative work and counted not at all the sacrifice of ease and health which would have deterred a lesser man. Christian Felling had the charm of mind that sense of romance bestows. He was a singularly lovable man, in whose life the baser elements of our nature had little part, and with all his wisdom, with all his practical genius, with all his power of work, he had the eager, sensitive, appealing temperament of a boy. I cannot think of him as growing old. He has passed, a gallant spirit, in the plenitude of his powers, his life given for the Empire in EA as truly and completely as any life laid down in the war, and I think we may believe that for Christian Felling, as for Greatheart when he crossed the river, all the trumpets sounded on the other side."
Lord Delamere wrote that "it will be difficult to hold the finances of the country together, as they depend to an extraordinary degree on the railway - apart from that the country has lost its soundest man, and personally I have lost a good friend."  
Golf - President of the Railway Golf Club 1923-28  
Joelson - 1928 - ... able and far-sighted General Manager whose tragic death was so heavy a blow to EA. .….   
Tignor - Under the direction of C.L.N. Felling, who was General Manager from 1922 to 1927 the Railway sought to train African artisans and to use as many African employees as it could.  
White Man - 1923 - a new General Manager ....... was brought up from SA to take charge of the railways. He was one of Sir Edward Northey's finds - the most able General Manager ever seen in EA and one of the outstanding railway organisers in the Empire. ......... 1928 - sudden death ...... The general manager had a physiological peculiarity; he could not take quinine. In 1927 he had a severe attack of malaria and was advised in England not to return to Africa. He was too devoted to his work in Kenya to abandon it. The warning was justified: he contracted malaria and died.  
Red 25 - Committee Member, REAAA
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Sir Christian Felling, South African, age 47, died 7/8/28

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