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Name: SMITH, Evelyn Bucknall Larratt (Rev.)

Birth Date: 20 June 1856 Greenwich

Death Date: 23 Apr 1931 Hove

First Date: 1884

Profession: On arrival he joined the UMCA at Newala, Tanganyika and was a great Swahili scholar. After serving fior some time in the Zanzibar diocese he went to Likoma in 1893, remaining there until 1906

Area: Newala, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Masasi

Book Reference: Gillett

School: Merchant Taylors; Clare Coll., Cambridge; Cuddesdon 1882

General Information:

He worked in Masasi with Bishop Maples, after whom the s.s. Chauncy Maples, the Lake Nyasa boat, was named.
Cambridge Univ Alumni at CLARE, June 17, 1878. [S. of George, wine-merchant, of Park Row, Greenwich. B. June 20, 1856. School, Merchant Taylors'.] Matric. Lent, 1879; B.A. 1882; M.A. 1889. Ord. deacon (Rochester) 1883; priest, 1884; C. of St Stephen's, Lewisham, 1883-4. Missionary (U.M.C.A.) at Newala, Zanzibar, 1884-92; at Nyasa, British Central Africa, 1893-1906. Latterly of 42, Lawrence Road, Hove, where he died, Apr. 23, 1931. (Merchant Taylors' Sch. Reg.; Crockford.)

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