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Name: BORWICK, Edith Susannah, Mrs

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Nee: Green

Birth Date: 18 Apr 1875 Colesberg, Cape Province

Death Date: 13 July 1957 Nairobi

Last Date: 1957

Profession: Farmer

Area: Nairobi, Nanyuki

Married: In Barkly West, South Africa 20 Dec 1900 George Ernest Borwick (1864-1931)

Children: Dorothy Constance (Brandram) (27 Sep 1901 Orange River, S. Africa-1969); Mary Hope (Malcolm-Smith) (17 May 1903 S. Africa-1964); Lloyd George Mortimer (1 June 1905 S. Africa-1973); Arnold (6 June 1908 S. Africa-1979 Tanzania); Alfred Henry (13 July 1913 Nairobi-1993); Jane (13 May 1915 Kenya-17 July 1999 Taunton, Somerset) (Atkins); Patricia Edith (1918 Kenya-1988) (Rundgren)

Book Reference: Howarth, Barnes, Peerage, Gazette, Ione Evans

General Information:

Howarth - 'Across the river from us lived a formidable old lady, Mrs Borwick, who used to call on us from time to time to see that Mum [Mrs Howarth] was bringing up her growing family properly. She was pretty old but used to walk from her farm, descending the steep drop to the river, fording it and then climbing the steep hill on the other side. '
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Edith Borwick, British, age 82, died 13/7/57
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Kikuyu - Edith Susannah Borwick, PO Ruiru
Ione Evans - My grandfather was George Ernest Borwick. Born in England 21/9/1864. He went to SA where he met my grandmother in Kimberley during the Siege of Kimberley. He went to Kenya in Jan 1912 with his wife and 4 children - Constance, Mary, Lloyd, Arnold (my father). He farmed on land at Ruiru that belonged to his cousin's husband Lord Croft. They had 3 more children in Kenya - Alfred, Jane, Patricia. Edith later bought her own farm Esdaile in Nanyuki from where she had to be rescued after being attacked and left under a water tank. George Ernest left Edith Susanna after 1920 and died 1931 in Kenya.
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Aberdare Voters List

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