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Name: CARPENTER, Geoffrey Douglas Hale MBE (Dr.)
Nee: son of a schoolmaster at Eton
Birth Date: 22.10.1882 Eton, Bucks
Death Date: 30.1.1953 Oxford
First Date: 1910
Profession: Joined the Uganda Medical Service and subsequently became Senior Medical Officer in charge of Sleeping Sickness Research, Uganda, in which he did outstanding work. From 1910-13 he was a member of the Royal Society's Sleeping Sickness Commission.
Area: Uganda
Married: In Oxford 30 Dec 1919 Amy Frances Thomas-Peter b. 1884 Paignton, d. 2 Jan 1968 Bath
Children: No
Author: 'A Naturalist on Lake Victoria' 1920
Book Reference: Gillett, EA & Rhodesia, Red 22, UJ, Chandler, Beck, LG, Wikipedia
War Service: Capt. during the EA Campaign 1914-18
School: Oxford and St. George's Hospital, DM, BCh(Oxon), FLS, FES, FZS
General Information:
East Africa & Rhodesia - 5/2/53 - Professor G.D. Hale Carpenter, since 1948 Professor Emeritus and previously for 15 years Hope Professor of Zoology (Entomology) at Oxford, who has died at the age of 70, joined the Uganda Medical Service in 1910 and was at once seconded under the auspices of the Royal Society to make a bionomic stucy of the tsetse fly. For this purpose in the following year he went to live in the depopulated Sesse Islands in Lake Victoria. At the outbreak of the 1914 war he joined the RAMC, winning the MBE (Military). From 1919 to 1929 he was specialist officer for sleeping sickness control in Uganda, and retired the following year. Shortly afterwards he investigated the tsetse fly in Ngamiland at the request of the Secretary of State. On his return he settled near Oxford, and after helping Sir Edward Poulton for a year or so at the Hope Department of Entomology he gained his professorship. During the 1939-45 war he prepared booklets for officers serving in Africa and lectured on tropical diseases and camouflage, in which his study of mimicry in insects had made him expert. He is survived by his widow. There were no children of the marriage which took place in 1919.
Uganda Journal - Volume 17 No. 2 - Obituary London Gazette - 18 Nov 1918 - MBE for distinguished service in connection with military operations in East Africa - T/Captain Geoffrey Douglas Hale Carpenter, Uganda Medical Service
Uganda Journal Vol 17 No 2 p. 193 - Obituary 1.5 pages
Career: House Surg., House Phys., St. George’s Hospital (1908-09); MO Uganda (1910—20); Captain Uganda Medical Service (1914-18); SMO Uganda (1920-30); Special Investigation into Sleeping Sickness, Ngamiland (1930-31); Fellow Jesus College Oxford (1933-48); Hope Professor of Entomology, Oxford University (1933-48); died Cumnor Hill, Oxford
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