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Name: CARBERRY, June Weir, Mrs
Nee: born Pierson Joan Weir Moseley
Birth Date: 30 Mar 1905 Croydon
Death Date: 27 Oct 1975 Johannesburg
Profession: JC's circle tended to dismiss June as 'common' but recognised her kindness for all her peroxided hair and chorus girl make up - mascara framed her large eyes, excessive scarlet lipstick matched her bass voice and drinking habits. .....
Area: 'Seremai' Nyeri
Married: In London 9 July 1930 John Evans Carberry 10th Lord Carbery (1892-1970)
Book Reference: Best, Markham, Flying, Mischief, Burke, Campling
General Information:
Mischief - Superintendent Poppy, after the Erroll murder - June Carberry, who called him 'Popski', he considered feckless; she had manners but no morals. Furthermore she drank too much brandy and soda and couldn't be relied on for accuracy. Poppy had already put her husband in jail for 18 months for currency offences, and had no use for him either. ......... Cyril Connolly said - died of drugs and drink
Campling - June Mosley Carberry came from South Africa and married John Carberry in 1932. She ….. Loved to dance
Web - Oxford dnb - Happy Valley - June Carbery was a peroxide blonde plastered in cosmetics, face-cream and scent with lipstick and nail varnish in Max Factor's bright red. She spoke in a husky, gin voice, loved dancing, sun-bathing, and manicures, and avoided books. The only exercise she tolerated was with her many lovers in bed.
Her birth cert (Ancestry) gives her name as Pierson Joan Weir